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On the Blessing of Participating in Church Staff Meetings

Since fall 2021, I have had the privilege of participating, on behalf of our Reaching Out team,  in the weekly meeting of our church staff team. I was invited to represent Reaching Out since Natasha was away on her 4-month sabbatical. The idea was to be a liaison between Reaching Out and staff, to convey ideas back and forth, just like our Reaching Up and Reaching In teams and staff reps do. And, even though Natasha is back at work, we’re having such a good time together that I’m still carrying on and joining them every Tuesday morning for a couple hours.

  During the last seven months, I’ve really enjoyed attending these meetings and have observed some key characteristics of our team of staff at Fleetwood CRC.

 They are:

  • Consistent - we meet every Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. Why? Because it’s important to encourage one another and plan for the week.
  • Prayerful - we “wrap” the meeting in prayer, Bible reading and even singing. We use the book “Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals”.
  • Rhythmic - during the “business” part of the meeting, we always circulate through all 3 Rhythms - Up, In, Out – so that we reflect upon and share about each part of our church life.
  • Aware – I have seen how well-informed they are, not only about our members but also about anyone who comes to the door or into our church yard.
  • Imaginative – every week, I am impressed by the joint creativity I see as they plan worship, visits, communication and outreach.
  • Skilled – each staff person has their own talents; when they are together as a team, great things happen!
  • Thoughtful – I delight in the way our staff members are constantly offering new ideas or fresh nuances to our church rhythms. As a representative of Reaching Out, I can say I have been often challenged by our discussions at our Tuesday meetings.

 So, when I look back on the past half year, I am thankful to God for having provided us with our team of staff, and for the opportunity to spend time together every week,

 By the way, out staff are also:

  • Covenantal – did you know that, already some years ago, they crafted a staff covenant to guide them in their daily work? Check it out below.

 Fleetwood CRC Staff Covenant 

 As members of the staff team, together commissioned to serve the Fleetwood Christian Reformed Church community, we pattern our lives after Christ’s life and equip and encourage each person in the congregation to do the same. Following Christ’s pattern, we:  

  • reach up to God in thankful worship and prayer;
  • reach in toward each other in fellowship, encouragement, and accountability;
  • reach out to our world with God’s transforming love.

As we do this, we will:  

  • collaborate on decisions and projects together;
  • work with Council to filter our decisions by how they help the congregation thrive in the three rhythms;
  • value and be for each other;
  • talk straight with each other;
  • encourage Sabbath practices in each other. 



- Brian Woudstra

Categories: Church Life , Staff , Staff Covenant , Staff Meetings